The GoLive II has an even wider field of view than the GoLive. These are large thumbnails (1376 * 768 for both models).
These two camera are on the same tree, aimed as close to the same as was possible. In the photo below, the GoLive is above the GoLive II. The GoLive is in a GoCam security box that has been modified to fit the antenna location. The tree is in a low spot.
- Detailed comparison
- Comparison 1
- Comparison 2
- Comparison 3
- Comparison 4
- Comparison 5
- Comparison 6
- Comparison 7
- Comparison 8
- Comparison 9
- Comparison 10
- Comparison 11
- Comparison 12
- Comparison 13
Detailed comparison
The height of the GL area is distorted (shortened) because of the angle of the GL2.
In the following comparisons, the GoLive photo is first, followed by the GoLive II photo. The photos are as close to the same as possible but they aren't identical.
Comparison 1
Comparison 2
Comparison 3
Comparison 4
Comparison 5
Comparison 6
Comparison 7
Comparison 8
Comparison 9
Comparison 10
Comparison 11
Comparison 12
Comparison 13
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