Excessive data usage
I received the auto generated email regarding excessive data usage. This isn't the first time your GL-VLTEb burns through data without sending any pictures to account for the data used. I set the trigger sensitivity to off to see what the data usage would be for a day. It went from 360.8 Mb to 433 Mb with no pictures sent. The second camera on that account went from 19.2 to 21.6 Mb with the trigger off. Quite the difference. I have 6 of your cameras, 5 GL-VLTEb's and one GL-MLTEb. I bought the GL-MLTEb so that when I find any of the GL-VLTEb burning data like crazy I swap it with the GL-MLTEb. The Cell coverage where these cameras are is not the best, but not all cameras act like this all the time. My guess is that the camera is making hundreds of attempts to set up a call to send status updates and simply burns through the data trying to complete a call. I've deactivated the camera for the time being due to it losing its mind where it is located. Will move it and activate it again and see what happens. This is the second time this has occurred. There is a second camera doing the same thing but to a lesser extent. What would be nice is a way to disable the camera or maybe a remote reboot. US Cellular and Verizon are the dominant carriers with US Celluar a tiny bit better.
Since I am complaining, the cameras don't always disable the trigger function when you set it to off. Sometimes the camera will continue to take pictures even when the trigger is off, usually during high winds. Also, they don't always enable the trigger when you set the trigger back to on.
Please email support@spartancamera.com, they may be able to figure out what's going on. When you make a settings change make sure the line button is green before making the changes, that will help. Is your firmware up to date? You may also have an SD card issue, sometimes that can keep the camera from completing the settings changes. Be sure the time zone is set in the camera settings on the app too.
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