When you request an HD photo or video, but you get one that is for a different (usuallyolder) photo, that's a sign that there is something wrong with your SD card.
Here's a screen shot from the Photos page on the portal. From the app, the HD photo and video were requested from the thumbnail of the deer grazing. However, when the HD photo and the video came in, the HD photo (which replaced the thumbnail of the deer) was the 9 AM event photo and the video was from the 9 AM event, as well. (See second screen shot.)
In the screen shot from the portal, you can see that all three photos are numbered 1, the video is numbered 2. The camera could not save each photo to the SD card so instead of incrementing the numbers by 2 (because the camera is set to photo + video), it numbered each photo 1. There were several pages of photo 1 because the thumbnails were sent to the portal, but there would only be on photo 1 on the SD card, if that one was even there.
On the portal, both the thumbnail and hi-res photo are available, so the deer grazing thumbnail is there. However, when you click on the orange High Res button, the 9 AM event photo (no deer) is there.
On the app, an HD photo replaces its thumbnail so the thumbnail with the deer grazing was replaced by the 9 AM event photo. The requested video was the one from the 0 AM event photo, not the one of the grazing deer.
You can try formatting the SD card, but you may need to replace it. If your camera has the red Format button on the status report page in the app, you may want to try that because that may fix the problem so that you don't have to go to your camera. Just be aware that everything on the card will be erased.
In this case, doing a remote format from the app worked, as shown by the numbers on the latest photos.
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