When you request an OTA firmware update, that update should complete after the next time the camera contacts the server to send a photo or scheduled even status report. However, sometimes there is a delay and it may take several server contacts.
If the firmware update does not complete within about 24 hours, it probably won't and you may have to update the firmware manually. Instructions on updating the firmware manually are available in this article: How to update firmware.
Possible causes of OTA firmware update failure:
- Low batteries. The update will not occur if the batteries are not full strength to prevent problems that will happen if the update starts but does not complete.
- Several requests/commands pending. If these are very recent commands (the same day, for example), you requested several HD photos and/or videos, and those requests are completing a couple or three at a time, then that's not cause for concern. However, if there are requests that are several days old, cancel all of them.
- Low signal strength. Downloading the firmware file takes time. If the signal strength is poor, the download may fail several times.
- Bad SD card. If the Format option is available on the Status Report page, you may want to try using it if you suspect that there is a problem with the SD card. However, if the SD card is not "to spec" (class 10, standard size, preferably 80 MB/s or faster, 32 G or less), formatting the SD card may not help.
- Current firmware is several versions out of date. If the existing firmware on the camera is more than a version or two out of date, the camera may not be able to complete the OTA firmware update.
- If the firmware update is to fix a connectivity problem and your camera is experiencing that problem. A camera with a connectivity problem may not be connecting to the network at all, in which case it won't even get the update request. Or it may connect, but the connection is poor so it is unable to complete the update request.
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