If you want to upgrade or downgrade your current Shared Data Plan to another plan, follow these steps:
I. Getting Started
- Log into your account at https://spartancamera.com/.
- On the main page, click CAMERA MANAGEMENT. Then go to SUBSCRIPTIONS> DATA PLANS.
- Find the plan subscription you want to change and select ‘Change Plan’.
II. Choose Plan
- After selecting ‘Change Plan’, you will be given two options: ‘Switch to a different plan’ and ‘Cancel this plan’. To continue changing your plan, select ‘Switch to a different plan’.
- The page should now show a dropdown menu titled ‘Select a New Plan’.
- Open the dropdown and click on the plan you want to change to. Make sure the plan chosen is the one you really want to change to. Note: You will only be able to select a plan that has enough camera allowance based on the number of cameras on the current plan.
- Press ‘Select’.
- A dialogue box will come up. This box is to let you know that you will not be charged for the plan change until after the current billing cycle ends. Select ‘Confirm’ to continue with the change plan set up.
- After you’ve clicked ‘Confirm’, you will go back to the WIRELESS SUBSCRIPTIONS page. The plan you’ve selected to change will now show a pending state for the change request. You will also receive an email confirming your change request.
- Remember: the request will be processed at the end of the current billing cycle or when you have used all of the data in your existing plan. Once the plan has successfully changed over to the new plan, you will receive a “Change Plan Successful” email confirmation.
III. Cancelling a plan change
- If you decide that you do not want to change your plan after going through the process, simply select the red button that says ‘Cancel Change’.
- A dialogue box will appear asking if you want to cancel the switch. If you press ‘Cancel’, the change plan will continue as planned. To completely cancel the plan change, click ‘Confirm’. You will receive a “Change Plan Cancelled” email confirmation.
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